About Where In The World?

Where In The World is a web app that allows world travellers to map their adventures, earn badges, and share with friends.


Natural EarthSpecial thanks to Google for use of their awesome Google Maps platform.

Geo-political boundary data comes from public domain and/or open source sources, primarily the amazing Natrual Earth dataset.

A note about geo-political boundaries -- in some areas of the world borders are in flux due to war, conflict, politcal changes, etc. We do not advocate or support any particular political cause by way of these maps. For example, the Crimean Peninsula is, on our map, still considered part of the Ukraine, even though it has (as of this writing) been annexed by the Russian Federation. This is not a statement in support of or against either side -- it's merely a reflection of the most recent map data available to us. As our data sources update, our own maps will become updated as well.

Behind the scenes are numerous technologies that combine to make Where In The World possible. Our development team would like to give a shout-out to just a few of them: Slim (PHP framework), Twig, Bootstrap, MySQL, Debian, Apache, RabbitMQ, and tons and tons of Google searches that resulted in either an answer (almost inevitably found on Stack Overflow) or hours wasted reading about helicopters on Wikipedia.

Made with in... cafés all around the world. Cuz we work remotely.